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Un dispositif médical d'aide à la décision à destination des chirurgiens orthopédistes

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L'innovation portée par plus de dix ans de recherche

Mathieu, V.; Michel, A.; Flouzat Lachaniette, C.-H.; Poignard, A.; Hernigou, P.; Allain, J.; Haïat, G


Variation of the Impact Duration during the in Vitro Insertion of Acetabular Cup Implants. Medical Engineering & Physics 2013, 35 (11), 1558–1563

Michel, A.; Bosc, R.; Sailhan, F.; Vayron, R.; Haiat, G


Ex Vivo Estimation of Cementless Acetabular Cup Stability Using an Impact Hammer. Medical Engineering & Physics 2016, 38 (2), 80–86

Michel, A.; Nguyen, V.-H.; Bosc, R.; Vayron, R.; Hernigou, P.; Naili, S.; Haiat, G.


Influence of Anisotropic Bone Properties on the Biomechanical Behavior of the Acetabular Cup Implant: A Multiscale Finite Element Study. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2017, 20 (12), 1312–1325

Dubory, A.; Rosi, G.; Tijou, A.; Lomami, H. A.; Flouzat-Lachaniette, C.-H.; Haïat, G.


A Cadaveric Validation of a Method Based on Impact Analysis to Monitor the Femoral Stem Insertion. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 2020, 103, 103535.

Monitoring the Press-Fit Insertion of an Acetabular Cup by Impact Measurements: Influence of Bone Abrasion

Michel, A.; Bosc, R.; Mathieu, V.; Hernigou, P.; Haiat, G.


Monitoring the Press-Fit Insertion of an Acetabular Cup by Impact Measurements: Influence of Bone Abrasion. Proc Inst Mech Eng H 2014, 228 (10), 1027–1034.

Michel, A.; Bosc, R.; Meningaud, J.-P.; Hernigou, P.; Haiat, G


Assessing the Acetabular Cup Implant Primary Stability by Impact Analyses: A Cadaveric Study. PLOS ONE 2016, 11 (11), e0166778

Immel, K.; Nguyen, V.-H.; Dubory, A.; Flouzat–Lachaniette, C.-H.; Sauer, R. A.; Haïat, G.


Determinants of the Primary Stability of Cementless Acetabular Cup Implants: A 3D Finite Element Study. Computers in Biology and Medicine 2021, 135, 104607

Albini Lomami, H.; Damour, C.; Rosi, G.; Poudrel, A.-S.; Dubory, A.; Flouzat-Lachaniette, C.-H.; Haiat, G.


Ex Vivo Estimation of Cementless Femoral Stem Stability Using an Instrumented Hammer. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon) 2020, 76, 105006.

Michel, A.; Bosc, R.; Vayron, R.; Haiat, G


In Vitro Evaluation of the Acetabular Cup Primary Stability by Impact Analysis. J Biomech Eng 2015, 137 (3)

Michel, A.; Nguyen, V.-H.; Bosc, R.; Vayron, R.; Hernigou, P.; Naili, S.; Haiat, G.


Finite Element Model of the Impaction of a Press-Fitted Acetabular Cup. Med Biol Eng Comput 2017, 55 (5), 781–791.

Tijou, A.; Rosi, G.; Vayron, R.; Lomami, H. A.; Hernigou, P.; Flouzat-Lachaniette, C.-H.; Haïat, G.


Monitoring Cementless Femoral Stem Insertion by Impact Analyses: An in Vitro Study. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 2018, 88, 102–108.

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